As stated last time, I'm very interested in becoming part of the Pagan Blog Project! A lot of times, I feel like I could be more connected to my spirituality by writing about it, which I almost never do. So, bombs away! Let's see if it works, and what I learn! Wahey.
OK for my first blog post, I wanna run some ideas by you about the Afterlife, since this particular thing came up in conversation with some of my co-workers, and I love thinking and speculating on things that I can never know until I experience them.
Most modern religions (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc) feature the afterlife as a prime goal, and according to their philosophy, there is actually a pretty good reason for this: modern religions feature a Deity from whom we are 'separated' and must get back to through actions, belief, etc. Thus, the afterlife for them is framed as this state of being 'reunited' with Deity and finding a place of pleasure, peace, and probably rest. (Unless you're Muslim, and then you're probably not resting at all with those hundred virgins around! ;) srsly.)
I reject this specific notion of afterlife for two reasons:
1. My personal beliefs as a Pagan are such that Deity is not separate from us, but is constructed of the Universe, of which we are all a part. So technically, you are a piece of Deity, and that which we refer to as "Gods" or "Goddesses" are simply symbolic manifestations that represent part of our experience in the Universe. (Note to any non-Pagans reading: This does not mean that all Pagans believe what I believe. Pagan is a very wide umbrella, and includes people of many belief systems.)
2. The second reason, is that as a part of the Universe, we are both individuals, and we are not, and this affects what happens to our spirit/soul energy when we move on from this world.
Let me explain that last bit. As far as we can tell, both scientifically and spiritually, the Universe runs in cycles. We see this manifested from the tiniest cell to the largest of galaxies. So let's talk death from a physical, natural perspective for a moment. When you die in a natural environment, what happens? Your body breaks down from causes such as bacteria, weather conditions, or even animals that might rip your arm off to carry it away and eat it. All the atoms and molecules in your body are recycled, and used by other organisms. That arm goes to feed a tiger, and so contributes to its molecular structure. Maybe another part of you is munched on by bacteria, and then the leftovers become soil, which nurtures a tree. Your body essentially becomes other bodies, and does not remain whole.
I am of a mind that soul energy does the same thing: when you die, it returns to the Universal 'collective' (for lack of a better word) of soul energy, and as new living beings are born, then random pieces of soul energy are used from the 'collective' to fulfill the life requirement. Thus, you are reincarnated, but your entire soul probably will not be reincarnated wholly into another being. Part of you might be mixed with other soul parts to become this living thing, another part might go towards this other living thing, etc.
This may be why people have flashes and sections of past life memories, without having entire lifetimes of previous existences floating around in their psyche. (Not that this can't happen -- it's just rarer.) It also would explain why you wouldn't have past life experiences from every being that's ever contributed to your soul: maybe some parts of your soul were sitting around longer than the fresher, newer parts. It also would explain why, if you were reincarnated, why do you not have all similar personality traits, necessarily? (Barring the nurture part of Nature vs Nurture, anyway.)
So that's my first blog post! Yay! This is exciting. Tune in (tomorrow?) for the 1/13 Other "A" blog post before we move on to B!!!!!!!
Love, Dreams and Steampunk,
<3 Sapphirescent <3
(No, I haven't worked any on that awesome sexy signature graphic yet. Sue me :P lol)