(Well, about 100)
in at the end of each month!
Keep a Spiritual Altar.
Consider MAYBE becoming a bracer.
Make self-care a priority.
Feel healthier, stronger, more radiant.
Learn Irish Gaelic with Tim.
Connect with current friends! Who haven’t you seen in
a while?
Make new friends!
Save $1000. Maybe $2000-$3000! Make it a priority.
Tax return doesn’t count.
Journal about the 100 things!
Check in the first of each month to
plan when you’ll do these!
Have ‘theme’ months for learning new things!
Read two books a month.
Write to a Penpal.
Visit 1+ breweries for a tour.
Shop locally once a month at least!
Get a local library card. Go often.
Check in
every Sunday to plan when you’ll do these!
Meditate, guided or unguided
Gratitude journal before bed
Draw an oracle card weekly
Cultivate a morning spiritual routine
Do Yoga at least weekly, even if not at a studio
Take ridiculously luxurious bubble baths.
Facial + exfoliation weekly
Make a list of 10-15 blogs to read regularly.
Multi-Day Stuff!
Check in maybe monthly, or when bored, to
see if any of these work for you!
Read about and connect to Blodeuwedd
Read about and connect to Arianrhod
Read about and connect to Rhiannon
Read about and connect to Ceridwen
Read about and connect to Branwen
Attend a ‘Seeking Avalon Within’ with the Sisterhood of Avalon
Grow something. Strawberries? Passionfruit?
Dye hair pink and find a cool wig to wear to work.
Hand-make some gifts for birthdays and Xmas.
Dream up & make a spiritual gifts Advent
Knit more, Maybe a pretty shawl or cloak!
Make prayer flags for camp! DO IT!
Start designing the next tattoo.
Get a new job.
Get accepted to Grad School!
Get an awesome assistantship!
Start Grad School!
Join WortsandCunning’s herbal moon course.
Go to spirit circle dance w/Jillian. Don’t wimp out.
Brew some beer.
Cook the entire Four Hour Chef cookbook recipe list.
Take a bellydance or poledance class.
Take a bellydance or poledance class.
Go to Kansas City.
Take a weekend trip somewhere. Canada?
Pilgrimage, if funds permit.
Hop in the car and drive wherever for the weekend.
Discover someplace!
Check in maybe monthly, or when bored, to
see if any of these work for you!
Find and attend a spiritual workshop.
Get a Promoting membership at Four Quarters.
Learn to build a sacred fire.
Choose a Goddess and make a mini impromptu altar to her.
Make a dreamcatcher.
Make and place a crystal grid.
Fingerpaint with my toes!
Get my tattoo filled in.
Get a spa treatment.
Climb a tree.
Swim naked in the creek under the stars!
Hold a women’s circle.
Have a cooking sexy food date night!
Have a swanky night out date night!
Have a cultural date night!
Plan and do something special for Valentines Day.
Make crème brûlée!
Make my own cheese.
Roll some sushi.
Bake a gluten free or paleo cake.
Have a dinner party.
Have a picnic.
Make some jam!
Go horseback riding.
Go to a concert.
Find and visit a Buddhist Temple.
Go to a pick-your-own farm.
Go skiing.
Go snow-tubing.
Go for a hike
Go boating, kayaking, tubing, or canoeing.
Update the music on my iTouch.
Find more Celtic Music.
Dress up Jasper for Halloween! As Batman!
Dress ME up for Halloween! As something cool!
Actually finish a game of Civilization.
Take a wardrobe inventory.
Make an amazing 2014 Workbook folder.
Plan a vacation for next Winter break.
Go to the beach for a day.
Go to NYC for a day trip.
Visit somewhere historic.
Go Geocaching.
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