Friday, April 20, 2012

H is for Herbal Healing

So, I've been reading a lot lately about Herbal Healing. Part of this is because of the fact that I'm starting to synthesize my An Leabhar SĂșilĂ­neach (working title for my Book of Shadows, since I didn't like the shadow part, so I went with a light theme... Book of Shimmers! Except in Irish Gaelic since it sounds cooler, which, by the way, I absolutely do not speak a lick of, so if this is incorrectly translated/adjective-conjugated/whatever please let me know :D it's a work in process.) and I really wanted to have something sort of guide on how to use the fruits of nature to heal what ails you. Modern medicine worries the crap out of me sometimes, particularly with things like antibiotics, blood pressure meds (which I was prescribed at... 23??!) and other such drastic measures that are really having a slippery slope effect on our health, when things can be treated in natural ways.

So anyway. I've been gathering information from several different places. I'm loving the Medicine Woman's Roots Blog (, and the following two books, both of which interest me but I am somewhat taking with a grain of salt until I can actually see some of these things in action:

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Herbs & Spices by John Heinerman

and Indian Herbalogy of North America by Alma R. Hutchens

I guess what weirds me out about it is that one herb can have a whole slew of problems that it helps to correct. Goldenseal, for example, Heineman lists as being useful in healing eye inflammations, candida, mouth sores, drug addiction, poison ivy, insulin dependency in diabetics, sinus relief, and preventing blood clots.

And I'm sitting there, reading all that, going, "...what?" and trying to figure out if it's a miracle plant or just completely and utterly overstated and overinflated.

I also like to try and look for different sources giving the same information. For example, both books list the entire blackberry plant (roots, leaves and berries) as being useful in treating diarrhea. Both books also refer to cotton root as being helpful in delayed/obstructed menstruation.

Some of the claims are a little bit tall-tale-seeming. For example, Heineman lists a magical headache cure as making a tea with water and dried basil, cooling it and adding a little witch hazel and dabbing it on the forehead. I believe it a little more now that that medication you put on your forehead, with the annoying commercials on the Weather Channel, Head on (Head on! Apply directly to the forehead! Head on! Apply directly to the forehead! Head on! Apply directly to the forehead), exists, but I still have yet to try that one.

I'm also curious about learning the Bach Flower Remedies. Those sound interesting.

So, without further ado, some cures for what ails you:
Heartburn? Boil 5-7 tablespoons in a quart of water, add honey to taste and sip.
Hypertension? Evening Primrose.
Hangover? Barberry.
Sexual frigidity? Damiana!!!

<3 Sapphire Orchid <3

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